Sunday, December 14, 2008

Georgia's Uninsured Ranks Swell

From the

It's getting worse in the state of Georgia for those without insurance.

A new Georgia State University study, released earlier in December of 2008 shows what some say is a "gloomy" health insurance climate last year.

The report notes that the level of those deemed uninsured in Georgia in 2007 stayed roughly the same as the previous year, at 20 percent of Georgians under age 65 without any coverage.

The percentage of those under 65 with private coverage, though, has dropped from 75 percent in 2000 and 2001 —- a two-year average, to increase the statistical accuracy —- to 67 percent in 2006 and 2007, mirroring a national trend.

Georgia residents with public Medicaid and PeachCare coverage has increased, according to the report.

Also from the AJC:

Georgia has 1.6 million people who lack health insurance.

Source here.

In this writer's opinion, this is a looming state budget crisis - millions of dollars will be written off because those without insurance will still continue to go to a local hospital or ER, as opposed to going to a doctor whose visit may be covered on even a basic insurance plan.

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